We are MapMusik.
What makes your neighborhood unique? This question is the driving force behind the creation of MapMusik. "MapMusik/316" began as a collaboration between Von Hansen, Susan Mayo, Torin Andersen, Lauren Hirsh and Elizabeth Stevenson. These well-respected musicians, artists, and makers wanted to explore a new way of understanding where you live-- through your ears.
With support from VibrantICT, Fisch Haus, the Knight Foundation, and the Wichita Community Foundation, these creators are attempting to engage communities in local sound walks, interactive sound showcases, and live performances.
Who is the "We" in MapMusik? It's these artists and musicians, it's the creative organizations that support them, and, of course, it's you. The community. MapMusik evolves with your sounds, your attention, and your support.
Thank you for making music with us.

Our Process
Sound Collection Walks
Where the big question finds an answer: what are the sounds of your community? We began our sound collection walks in the spring of 2018 and continue to run them as possible. Check in with our upcoming events to see what's next. Some of these walks will take place at big events, some will occur in quieter corners of our community, and some might lead you to places you never imagined. Afraid of crowds and/or guided tours? Never fear. You can lead your own solo sound collection walk all on your own. Read our tips and tricks for recording good audio/video. And when you've got something to share: SUBMIT.
Interactive Sound Showcases
At our first map events in mid-2018, a map of the city was projected onto four interactive stations set up around the Fisch Haus gallery, and each station was equipped with a video-game controller. Attendees could use the controller to play random sounds recorded across the city, and as they do so the map highlighted where that sound came from. People were encouraged to collaborate to make music with each other using these 64 different sounds. Thanks to funds from the Wichita Community Foundation, we've expanded our interactive function through SoundMap/316.
Live MapMusik Performances
At our first two events, Von Hansen created a composition using the collected MapMusik sounds and performed the piece with Susan Mayo. The composition reflects a final yet adaptive state for the sounds we've collected. And exemplifies the greater goal: not just the capturing of sounds, but the creation of music. The music of our neighborhoods, communities, homes, and haunts.

Artists. Musicians. Collaborators.

Torin andersen




Graphic Design by Carlos Palomino.
Social Media Management by Krissy Buhrer.
Website Development by Ellen Jones.